Beating Procrastination: Useful Tips

Procrastination is when we delay doing things. It's common for everyone. It might look like a problem with time management, but research says it's more about handling bad feelings like boredom or worry. Avoiding these bad feelings and important tasks usually leads to worse results in the end, like more stress and regret.
One of the main reasons people procrastinate is because they make a big deal out of something. It could be about how hard, how boring, or how painful it will be to finish the task. But challenges, boredom, and hard work won't kill you or even make you sick. Procrastination, however, is linked with stress.
So, how can we stop procrastinating? First, figure out which of seven things are triggered by the task you want to avoid. Is it boring, frustrating, or difficult? Or maybe it's not personally important to you? Then, try to reverse those triggers. If it's boring, find a way to make it fun to get it done. If it's unstructured, make a detailed plan for finishing it. Then, only work on the task as long as you can handle. Since it's easier to continue a project that's already started, make sure to start it as soon as you can. List the downsides of not finishing it. And, finally, remove distractions, especially digital ones.